COVID-19 Information
The Church is not a building, the Church is not a steeple.
The Church is not a resting-place, the Church is a people!
I am the Church! You are the Church!
We are the Church together!
All who follow Jesus, all around the world,
yes, we’re the Church together.
Richard Kinsey Avery (b. 1934) and Donald Stuart Marsh (b. 1923) Reproduced from CH4 CD-ROM edition, number 204
Words and Music: © 1972, Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI No. 178199
St Columba’s building is still closed to most classes and groups. The only other access will be by Carol who has the alarm code. No other key holders should attempt to access the building because the alarm will be set.
However, St Columba’s Church is still very active. There will be regular updates through the Facebook page, website and on the dedicated telephone number (01592) 366016. The answering machine in the church office will be checked by remote access. Our Church Service can be viewed through our Zoom service and YouTube channel if you wish to participate remotely. Due to Covid-19 we are restricted to 50 people only in the Church.
There is also an ongoing programme of telephone calling of members and others. Please keep in touch with folk and if they need advice or help, please contact me (742233), Carol or the church office (752539). Prayers and Best wishes from Alan and the Kirk Session